The Yii Book


I have tried to learn Yii for two years so far, I bought books, I went through the Blog tutorial, but never got hooked. Thanks to this book I am understanding for the first time many of the things that were dark to me, it is very well written and explained. Thanks!


Great book thus far! I have been waiting on the edge of my seat for a while now and I'm glad to finally see it coming together!


I've just passed Chapter 5 and I think you're doing a great job here. The book is really fantastic, it's easy to read and rich in valuable content. Written in an understandable manner and focusing on really important stuff.


I love the book. I can assure you, it is deeply appreciated. I have built a few sites with YII but there is still much to learn. Your book is the best YII book I have read.


Your coverage of the Yii widgets is exemplary. I think you solved all of the problems I'm having!!! Yay!


I just bought the book and the first chapters are really excellent, but now I'm dying waiting for the next installment! Your book provides a very logical explanation of how the framework works, at just the right level of detail. Good job!


Love the book. As a developer getting started on my first major yii app this is already an invaluable tool. Can't wait for the next release.


I wish I had this book when I started working with Yii a year ago. It would have kept me from developing some bad habits and making lots of mistakes. I really appreciate your thorough writing style - easy for me to understand.


I have been writing a web application using the Yii framework for the last 18 months. When I first started I spent hours reading the Yii forums, posting questions and working through the tutorials. I wished I had this book when I first started. This book is now my bible. This book is the authoritative source for everything Yii. Yii is a fantastic framework and this book makes using Yii so much easier. Thank you Larry.


I want to Thank you a lot for the great work you have done and the possibility gave to me and all the people to learning Yii in a very complete and easy way.


I've started reading your Yii book. I've been waiting patiently carefully watching your blogs and tweets. I'm glad to say it is written in your usual style, brilliant, easy to read and understand. I hope the book does well so that you are encouraged to keep the book going to the very end. Thanks.


I'm really enjoying this book! Thank you for all of the helpful information. I'm really starting to understand why Yii does what it does! You do an awesome job of delivering seemingly complex information in an easy-to-understand way. I'm sure you hear that a lot. Overall, I'm very happy with this product. The information is invaluable!


I just started picking up the Yii Framework about 2 weeks ago with the help of your tutorial online. I do not have much web development background as most of my experience is in C++ , I found it hard to accept the conventions of the framework and MVC model. After finding out that your tutorial helped me to understand what is going on, I decided to purchase your book. I would definitely recommend your book to anyone who is new to the framework or has a fixed mindset on other programming disciplines. I found it to be very detailed, and down to a beginner's level which is essential in understanding the basics of the framework and its classes. Had many 'aha!' moments when going through the Fundamental Concepts in the book. Keep up the good work!


Great book, not yet finished but already got good 'back to basics' explanations...Your tutorials helped me a lot for my ongoing Yii project, so I'm happy to payback.


Thanks for this great book! I've already read another book on Yii, but yours fills quite a number of gaps for me!


Just wanted to say thank you for providing such high quality work! I have just about every one of your books on PHP, and I am loving the Yii Book so far. I also love the way you are distributing the book. Thanks for the work you put in, and I look forward to the rest of the book!


Thank you for this book. You not only tell how to do things but (and this is very rare) teach WHY. Your style is very clear and you follow a true progression: usually authors tell the reader (in a very detailed style) how to do a "Hello World" page then suddenly they briefly show you how to build a complete application. You finally made me understand the "philosophy" of Yii.


Great book, looking forward to the later chapters. Sure makes coming to grips with yii much easier.


Already finished the first bit - looking forward to more! It's the most clear, concise writing on Yii to date - wish I had it 6 months ago!


These days I'm studying "The Yii Book". I found it simply great.


Having written 'old style' procedural PHP for years I've struggled to get my head around MVC and OOP. I've dabbled with various frameworks and tutorials but the learning curve always seemed too steep to justify me spending my billable time on it! I bought the Yii book yesterday and although I'm only up to chapter 5 I already like everything has fallen into place and it's making perfect sense. Your ability to cover things in enough depth to explain your point whilst not being scared to say 'we'll skip that for later' creates the perfect balance to learn quickly but not be overwhelmed. Thanks for the great book and innovative way of publishing. If anyone is thinking of learning Yii I'd say don't think twice - just buy the book!


Thanks a lot for this fantastic book! It do helped me a lot on understanding so many stuffs that I couldn't entirely get on Yii's wiki and the official guide. I really liked the sequence of topics you are using in the book. I can't wait to read the rest chapters!


I've read through what's available now. I think the quality has been terrific, and the communication's been lucid. I look forward to reading and learning more as it becomes available.


I really enjoy the book and I appreciate the hard work you put in it.


Nice writing! I find it very useful for Yii beginners.


This is a rare opportunity, to be able to read a book while it's being written, to be able to contribute to it and to see it being molded as it goes. It's also very nice when it comes from such a great writer and on such a great tool. I'm enjoying the book as I enjoyed the previous articles.


I just want to drop a line to comment on how nice and clear your book is coming along. The way you approach the topics beats any of the dozens of technical books that I own or that I have ever read. Congratulations, outstanding work.


I'm really enjoying your Yii book and tutorial series. It's some of the best technical writing I've ever read.


Just finished the book so far. It was really good. I'd got as far as that when I did it myself a while ago but I never really knew what was happening behind the scenes so it's cleared a lot up for me.


I'm slowly making my way through the Yii book. While I'm only on chapter 3, I just wanted to drop you a note and thank you for writing. It is such a pleasure to read. The work is so well thought out and so clearly explained. I look forward to the rest of it.


Thank you so much for writing such an amazingly insightful and incredibly thorough book on Yii. It's clear and very well-written. It's the compass I had been searching for a very long time while lost deep in the woods of Yii.


Your Yii Book is exactly what I have been searching for. You give the Big Picture and the Why, not just a bunch of details that assumes I understand the concepts and whys.
