Each update has its own release notes, like you'd see with software, letting you know what's new and what has changed.
2.0 (November 24, 2024)
- Updated Chapters 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 for Yii 2
- Took all new images
- Fixed all the errors found in previous releases
- 549 pages total as a PDF
1.7 (December 4, 2017)
- Updated Chapters 15 and 16 for Yii 2
- Took all new images
- Fixed all the errors found in previous releases
- 405 pages total as a PDF
1.6 (August 28, 2016)
- Updated Chapters 13 and 14 for Yii 2
- Took all new images
- Fixed all the errors found in previous releases
- 365 pages total as a PDF
1.5 (November 2, 2015)
- Updated Chapters 8 through 12 for Yii 2
- Took almost all new images
- Added a section on maintaining uploaded file with incomplete form submissions (Chapter 8)
- Added a section on tabular input (Chapter 8)
- Added a section on Bootstrap widgets (Chapter 12)
- Added a section on using widgets with ActiveForm (Chapter 12)
- Fixed all the errors found in previous releases
- 307 pages total as a PDF
1.3 (June 2, 2015)
- Updated the Introduction through Chapter 8 for Yii 2
- Took almost all new images
- Created a tip type: "new" (for new in Yii 2)
- Explained how to install Yii via Composer (Chapter 2)
- Added an introduction to the Yii 2 debugger (Chapter 3)
- Added a section on configuring the web server (Chapter 4)
- Added a section on using Gii for regenerating files (Chapter 4)
- Moved coverage of behaviors into Chapter 5
- Used new behaviors in the CMS example (Chapter 5)
- More talk about events earlier in the book (Chapter 5)
- Added an explanation of the Object class and properties (Chapter 5)
- Added a section on requests and responses (Chapter 7)
- Introduced the remember() and previous() methods for URLs (Chapter 7)
- Explained dirty attributes (Chapter 8)
- Added a discussion of batch querying (Chapter 8)
- Lots of edits to be more succinct and consistent
- PDF now recognizes the book's parts
- Fixed all the errors found in previous releases
- 196 pages total as a PDF
1.0 (December 22, 2014)
- Added Chapter 22, "Creating a CMS"
- Added Chapter 23, "Making an E-commerce Site"
- Added Chapter 24, "Shipping Your Project"
- Fixed all the errors found in previous releases
- 649 pages total as a PDF
- The first edition is done! (Finally!)
0.9 (July 26, 2014)
- Added Chapter 20, "Working with Third-Party Libraries"
- Added Chapter 21, "Testing Your Application"
- Fixed all the errors found in previous releases
- 575 pages total as a PDF
0.8 (January 31, 2014)
- Added Chapter 19, "Extending Yii"
- Fixed all the errors found in previous releases
- 514 pages total as a PDF
0.75 (August 15, 2013)
- Added Chapter 17, "Improving Performance," and Chapter 18, "Advanced Database Issues"
- Fixed all the errors found in previous releases
- 457 pages total as a PDF
0.71 (July 1, 2013)
- Fixed all the errors found in previous releases
- Fixed an issue with the ePub version
- 406 pages total as a PDF
0.7 (June 20, 2013)
- Added Chapter 15, "Internationalization," and Chapter 16, "Leaving the Browser" (approximately 42 pages)
- Fixed all the errors found in previous releases
- 406 pages total as a PDF
0.61 (April 2, 2013)
- Fixed two irksome errors
- 360 pages total as a PDF
0.60 (April 1, 2013)
- Added Chapter 13, "Using Extensions," and Chapter 14, "JavaScript and jQuery" (approximately 47 pages)
- Fixed all the errors found in previous releases
- 360 pages total as a PDF
0.5 (March 2, 2013)
- Added Chapter 11, "User Authentication and Authorization," and Chapter 12, "Working with Widgets" (approximately 77 pages)
- I made a slight alteration to the "page" table. Specifically, I swapped the order of the two date columns and changed the "date_entered TIMESTAMP NOT NULL" column to "date_published DATE NULL".
- Changed the section on "Securing Passwords" in Chapter 9, "Working with Forms" to use a different password hashing mechanism
- Edited the entire book to this point to enhance clarity, re-test code, and improve usability
- Re-captured all the screenshots to be less blurry (hopefully)
- Re-sized some of the images for improved layout
- Added a few additional images for better demonstrations
- Fixed all the errors found in previous releases
- 313 pages total as a PDF
0.41 (January 31, 2013)
- Fixed a problem with the ePub version of the previous release.
- Fixed all the errors found in previous releases.
- 236 pages total as a PDF.
0.4 (January 22, 2013)
- Added Chapter 8, "Working with Databases," Chapter 9, "Working with Forms," and Chapter 10, "Maintaining State" (approximately 72 pages).
- Fixed all the errors found in previous releases.
- 235 pages total as a PDF.
0.3 (December 23, 2012)
- Added Chapter 6, "Working with Views," and Chapter 7, "Working with Controllers," (approximately 55 pages).
- Fixed all the errors found in previous releases.
- Changed the font used for the PDF.
- Changed the header formatting (smaller font, etc.)
- 163 pages total as a PDF.
0.25 (November 27, 2012)
- Added Chapter 5, "Working with Models," (approximately 34 pages).
- Fixed all the errors found in release 0.2.
- Increased the font size and the margins for the PDF.
- The ePub version now works in iBooks 3 and Adobe Digital Editions (Windows).
- 115 pages total as a PDF.
0.2 Initial Release (October 30, 2012)
- Included the Introduction and all of Part 1 (chapters 1 through 4).
- 69 pages total as a PDF.